Mixed by Andreas Matheou at Hot Soap Studios during Spring of 2023
Mastered by Bari Hadjikyriakou
Release: Album ”Figures on Demand”
The Ladderman is an alternative rock band from Larnaca, Cyprus formed in 2011. With references in the progressive hard rock era, The Ladderman’s heady and thunderous roar is crafted using quirky melodies, bluesy riffs, tight basslines and complex time signatures. Since releasing their debut in “Not a Six” in 2016 and their sophomore album ‘Anything Goes” in 2019 they have been building their reputation through notoriously flawless live shows.
The Ladderman are Stelios Mosfiliotis (bass), Rolandis Lazidis (electric guitar), Stefanos Eliopoulos (drums), Andreas Matheou electric guitar/vocals.