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     UK     ✭ London Director Awards ✭    Official Selection – Best Music Video     
France     ✭ Art Giraffe International Film Festival ✭    Quarter Finalist – Best Music Video
Sweden     ✭ Swedish International Film Awards     Winner – Best Music Video
Russia    ✭ HALO International Film Festival     Honorable Mention – Best Music Video
Russia    ✭ HALO International Film Festival     Winner – Best Cinematography
USA    ✭ New England International Film Awards     Winner – The Golden Lighthouse Award for Best Music Video



Willow (Official Music Video)

UK     ✭ London Director Awards ✭    Official Selection – Best Music Video
France     ✭ Art Giraffe International Film Festival ✭    Quarter Finalist – Best Music Video
Sweden     ✭ Swedish International Film Awards ✭    Winner – Best Music Video
Russia    ✭ HALO International Film Festival ✭    Honorable Mention – Best Music Video
Russia    ✭ HALO International Film Festival ✭    Winner – Best Cinematography
USA    ✭ New England International Film Awards ✭    Winner – The Golden Lighthouse Award for Best Music Video

Willow speaks of the loss of vital life force that ensues when betrayal takes hold in relationships. One feels conquered by the crushing weight of misalignment between word and action and is unwillingly cast into the disorienting vastness of mental solitude.

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✭ Athens International Art Film Fest 2023 ✭ Honorary Mention – Best Music Video
✭ Vegas Movie Awards 2023 ✭ Winner – Best Music Video
✭ New York Film Awards 2023 ✭ Winner – Best Music Video
✭ Global Film Festival Awards 2023 ✭ Winner – Best Music Video
✭ Los Angeles Film Awards 2024 ✭ Semi Finalist – Best Music Video
✭ Cyprus Music Video Festival 2023 ✭ Winner – Best Female Performer

Abduction (Official Music Video)

✭ Athens International Art Film Fest ✭ Honorary Mention – Best Music Vid
✭ Vegas Movie Awards ✭ Semi Finalist – Best Music Video
✭ New York Film Awards ✭ Winner – Best Music Video
✭ Global Film Festival Awards ✭ Winner 2024 – Best Music Video
✭ Los Angeles Film Awards ✭ Semi Finalist – Best Music Video
✭ Cyprus Music Video Festival ✭ Winner – Best Female Performer

There is an incapacitation that stems from the fear of being seen by the other in partnership, leaving whole landscapes within either soul undiscovered, un-lived, ‘abducted’ by fear. ‘Abduction’ weighs on the importance of taking things slow to better gain one’s bearings and navigate obstacles from a place of heart.